
We are Independent Baptist missionaries to Portugal sent out of Beth Haven Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK. We’re thrilled to have you explore our ministry website and become a part of our journey. If you’d like to stay connected and receive regular updates on our mission field, please consider subscribing to our prayer letter. You’ll find the subscription option at the bottom of this page.

I grew up in a pastor’s home and was saved early in my life at the age of 9 at youth camp in 2007 when I humbled myself before the Lord. Growing up in a “Ministry Home” was difficult. I didn’t have a desire to be in the ministry until I was an adult. Instead, I worked hard on becoming a welder. However, during that time the Lord kept after me and I struggled and had no peace in my life. In 2018, in a missions conference, the Lord made it clear He wanted me to give my life over to His will, and not my own. He wanted me to be a missionary. I surrendered that night to His calling, and from then, I started to pray with my Pastor, and other missionaries that I knew. While I was praying for a place, the Lord gave me a billboard. Driving to work there was a billboard with the name Portugal on it. I figured if there was a billboard in Oklahoma City about Portugal I should probably pray about it. I began to specifically pray for the country of Portugal, and knew that’s where the Lord was calling me.
As part of my training I worked as head of the Children’s ministry, teaching classes, Jr Church, and Wednesday night program, as well as running the bus ministry.
While in Bible college in 2019, my wife, Kiska, and I were married. In 2022, I graduated with my 4 year degree in Missions. Since then, I’ve started my Masters in Biblical counseling and am on target to finish in 2024. Upon my graduation my Pastor moved my wife and I into the College and career ministry where we have been teaching and ministering, working with young Christians in teaching them how to walk with God.
In August of 2023, Kiska and I took a missions survey trip to Portugal where the Lord continued to place on our hearts a love for the mission field of Portugal. We saw the people and became even more burdened for their souls. God has planted our hearts there and we are looking forward to reaching the Portuguese people for the Glory of the God.

I made two professions of faith when I was younger. One based off of the influence of friends when I was in Jr. church, and one based off emotions when I was a teenager. Growing up, I was faithful to church and serving in church ministries. I got married in 2019 to the pastor’s son and we were both training to one day be missionaries. Shortly after I was married, the Lord kept convicting me of my salvation, but I kept putting it off and ignoring the conviction. Although I knew works is not what saves you, I kept telling myself that surely I’m saved because I’m faithful to church, I’m serving in ministry, I’m married to a pastor’s son, and I’ve already made two professions of faith. The Lord continued to convict me of my salvation, but I kept convincing myself otherwise. Sometimes I would just say a quick prayer, asking for the Lord to forgive and save me if I’m not saved, with no intention of letting anyone know about it. The thoughts continued on for a long time, but I kept denying it. I kept pushing God away and I no longer found myself wanting to serve or even come to church. Faking it was getting exhausting and made me dissatisfied with my life. I eventually came to the point in my life where I could either choose God or the world, but doing both wasn’t going to last.
I began to ask God to reveal to me if I was saved or not. Every message seemed to be on salvation and I got convicted every time. I feared thinking about the Lord’s return. I started praying more and listening to messages online and I knew that the path I wanted was God’s and not this world’s.
When I knew 100% I wasn’t saved, the difficult part was admitting my lost condition. I didn’t want to admit to my husband, family, and my church family that this whole time I wasn’t saved. I wondered what would people think of me. One day in seminary class, we did a deep dive into repentance of sin. I decided that night that I was going to go home and talk to Jeshua about what has been going on. I didn’t want to go to hell over what people thought about me. It was very hard to admit, but once l put my pride aside and got saved, I felt the heaviest burden fall off my shoulders and I’m so happy I did. I have a real genuine joy now and now I know 100% that I am saved!

Current News
This year has brought a lot of changes in our family. We found out we are expecting a little baby boy. While we await the arrival of our son, our pastor asked us to finish some training, and to come on as staff at our home church. We do have a couple local mission conferences scheduled already for this year, but we plan on starting full time deputation this February. We covet your prayers as we prepare for our baby’s arrival in November, and as we start our deputation trail in February.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
- Jeshua – 6/29
- Kiska – 8/6
- Malakai – 11/3/23
- Jeshua & Kiska Anniversary – 3/15/2019
Population in 2023:
- Portugal’s population in 2023 stands at approximately 10,247,605 people.
- To put this in perspective, Portugal shares a geographical similarity with the U.S. state of Indiana, but its population size is slightly smaller than that of Georgia.
- Remarkably, Portugal has only 10 independent Baptist churches throughout the entire country, showcasing the diverse religious landscape and the dominance of Roman Catholicism.
Religions in Portugal:
- The majority of the people in Portugal are Roman Catholics, accounting for a substantial 80% of the population.
- A smaller percentage of the population follows Orthodoxy, comprising 0.70% of the religious landscape.
- Protestantism is represented by 2% of the population.
- Jehovah’s Witnesses makes up 0.72% of the country’s religious makeup.
- Additionally, only 1.5% of the population identifies as Christian.

We are in full agreement with, Beth Haven Baptist Church’s doctrinal statement